HIVIZ Shooting Systems
HI VIZ Magnetic Front Shotgun Sight Remington 870, 1100, and 11-87
This is an ETA front sight for Remington shotguns. It comes with interchangeable, fiber optic family..
HI VIZ Magnetic Sight Combo C200-2
This is a group of fiber optic front and rear shotgun sight sets. It consists of these combinations:..
HI VIZ Magnetic Sight Combo C300-2
This is a group of fiber optic front and rear shotgun sight sets. It consists of these combinations:..
HI VIZ Magnetic Sight Combo C400-1
This is a group of fiber optic front and rear shotgun sight sets. It consists of these combinations:..
HI VIZ Rifle In-Line Sight System
This is a standard 3/8″ dovetail front sight. It comes with six .080 diameter LitePipes, in red, gre..
HI VIZ Ruger .22 Handgun Front Sight
Hiviz HRB2007 Ruger MK II/MKIII Frnt Sght MKII/MKIII - The Hiviz HRB2007 sight fits Mark II and III ..
HI VIZ Spark III Front Bead Replacement Shotgun Sight
This threaded, front bead replacement, Spark III shotgun sight is interchangeable style, and include..
HI VIZ TriComp Shotgun Sight
The HiViz TriComp is a front shotgun sight that is designed to replace the existing bead on your sho..
HIVIZ Henry H001M Litepipe Front Sight
Like all HIVIZ sights, this sweet rimfire front sight brightens up your sight picture, improving acc..
HIVIZ Magni-Comp Shotgun Bead Replacement Front Sight
This screw-on bead replacement sight offers instant success to cross-eye dominant shooters. Utilizin..
HiViz Smith & Wesson Fullsize M&P Adjustable Sight Set
Improve the performance of your Smith & Wesson Fullsize M&P with the new HIVIZ® Adjustable s..
HiViz Universal Dovetail .260" Rifle Front Sight
The Universal Dovetail Front Sight series from HIVIZ is designed to replace the front sight on all t..